Mittwoch 22 Mai, 14:30Passed
Mai 2024
Mittwoch 22
14:30 - 16:30
0 to 99 years old


Allée des pêcheurs, 59115 Leers
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Naturalist walk: small animals of the ponds, competitors without mercy

Discover the biodiversity around the ponds of Leers with the House of water, fishing and nature
Mittwoch 22 Mai, 14:30Passed

A multitude of ponds dot the Metropolis. Each of them is unique and home to a myriad of living beings that compete fiercely. Who are these beings? How do they live? How did they get there? This is what we propose to discover, from the snails of a few millimeters, through the crustaceans, to the larva of several centimeters of the largest dragonfly in France. Appointment: 14h30 – Allée des pêcheurs in Leers Duration: 2h Contact: Maison de l'eau, de la pêche et de la nature at 03 20 99 00 22

Événement d’intérêt métropolitain
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Catégories Métropolitaines
Visit - walk
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Über den Standort

Allée des pêcheurs, 59115 Leers
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

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