Ciné-rencontre | Figs in April
Interview with the director Nadir Dendoune. In partnership with the association Chibanis.
Mittwoch 4 Oktober 2023, 14:30Passed
accueil@lefresnoy.netDes figues en Avril De Nadir Dendoune 2018 | France | 0h58 Des Figues en Avril draws the funny and sloping ball portrait of Messaouda Dendoune, filmed by his son Nadir. Beyond the endearing, mali cieuse, determined and passionate personality of the 82-year-old lady, we discover her daily in her two plays of the Ile Saint Denis, punctuated by the invisible presence of the absent. She is now learning to live alone since her husband Mohand, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, was placed in a nursing home.