Jeudi 19 janvier 2023, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien
Janvier 2023
Jeudi 19
12:15 - 13:45

Faculté des Sciences Economiques

7 place Hoche 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

[séminaire CREM] Tax competition in the presence of profit shifting

Présentation de Tanguy Van Ypersele, AMSE, Aix-Marseille Université
Jeudi 19 janvier 2023, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien

The popular view is that governments should crack down on tax avoidance by multinational corporations, but in practice, lax anti-profit-shifting policies are common. Here, we analyze how profit-shifting control influences fiscal competition. Equilibrium tax rates are determined by the elasticities of two components: retained profit and capital mobility. Anti-profit-shifting policies decrease the elasticity of the first, but increase the elasticity of the second. The impact of these policies on equilibrium tax rates is then ambiguous. We show that there are cases in which laxer policies increase equilibrium tax rates and countries' well-being by favoring investments. We use estimates of different elasticities to show that our model can support lax enforcement.
Co-écrit avec David Oh et Steeve Mongrain

Type d'événement
Réservé à la communauté universitaire
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Faculté des Sciences Economiques
7 place Hoche 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne