Jeudi 26 janvier 2023, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien
Janvier 2023
Jeudi 26
12:15 - 13:45

Faculté des Sciences Economiques

7 place Hoche 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

[séminaire CREM] Removing barriers to plant-based diets: assisting doctors with vegan patients

Présentation de Thibaut Arpinon, CREM, Université de Rennes
Jeudi 26 janvier 2023, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien

Shifting to plant-based diets can alleviate many of the externalities associated with the current food system. Spontaneous shifts in diet are often hindered by consumers’ imperfect knowledge about the health risks and benefits, which leads them to seek advice from their doctors. However, doctors have often had only limited nutrition training, and often express negative opinions of plant-based diets, even though recent evidence suggests that they confer substantial health benefits. We here explore whether providing doctors (general practitioners) with information about the risks and benefits of plant-based diets significantly changes their attitudes and medical practices. We run a randomized control trial on a representative sample of French doctors and assess the impact of an information campaign developed by doctors to inform their colleagues about plant-based nutrition through case studies. Our confirmatory analysis shows that our information campaign effectively changes doctors’ views about plant-based diets (Cohen’s d: 0.71). To a smaller extent, we find a positive but not statistically nor economically significant effect of the intervention on the doctors’ (hypothetical) medical practice with patients who follow a plant-based diet (Cohen’s d: 0.22).
Co-écrit avec Romain Espinosa

Type d'événement
Réservé à la communauté universitaire
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Faculté des Sciences Economiques
7 place Hoche 35000 Rennes
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne