Jueves 31 octubre 2024, 19:30Passed
Octubre 2024
Dijous 31
19:30 - 21:00

Biodiversity: case closed ?

Let's take stock of the many conservation initiatives being carried out to save biodiversity. Is it enough? Several specialists open the debate!
Jueves 31 octubre 2024, 19:30Passed

Biodiversity is in decline throughout the world. A number of initiatives are attempting to reverse this trend, particularly in Geneva. Biotopes have been renatured, populations of threatened species have been boosted, and the various players involved have been made aware of what is at stake for humans. How can we do more?
Come and take part in finding answers and making proposals to this question in the company of our guest, Bertrand von Arx, nature and landscape conservator at the Office Cantonal de l'Agriculture et de la Nature du canton de Genève (OCAN), and during the round table discussion that will follow.
Round table speakers:

  • Delia Fontaine, Scientific assistant, Direction de la durabilité et du climat (DDC), Département du territoire (DT)
  • Elodie Hefti, activist, écologist, feminist et socialist
  • Hervé Fauvain, project: Agglomération du Grand Genève, DT
  • Raphaël Dunand, domaine des Lolliets, Soral, winegrower – winemaker, president of Réseau agro-environnemental (RAE) de la Champagne genevoise.

Moderator: Patrick Dujany ("Duja")

Off-site conference carried out at the Salle du Faubourg
Open to all, free of charge and no registration needed.

No input
Texte alternatif à l'image
Fougère (Coronopus didymus) poussant à l'interstice de dalles en ville
Other place
No input
Event type
Conference - Meeting
Target audience
General public
Event organisation
Event organized by an external organization
Conservatoire et jardin botaniques
Organizer url
Thématiques internes VdG (ne pas cocher sauf autorisation)
Culture VDG, Climate / Ecological transition, Arbres i Nature
100% gratuit
Contribution service
Contributeur Externe
Campagne - ça se discute
Does science bring more questions thant answers ? (science), Are museums meeting places ? (encounters) i And plants, do they also communicate ? (ecology / environment / climate)

About the location

Salle du Faubourg
Rue des Terreaux-du-Temple 6, 1201 Genève