Soils: these companions we fail to understand

What we don't realise is that most of life on Earth takes place... underground!
Soil is one of the most astonishing constructions of the living world, influencing everything from our food to the fertility of lakes and oceans, regulating the course of rivers and even the climate! Opaque and often considered dirty, the soil has been managed for millennia without any awareness of the resulting damages: urbanisation, intensive farming, erosion, salinisation... Not only is it less effective in providing the agricultural services that make it invaluable to us, but it is literally disappearing before our very eyes through erosion.
In the company of our guest, Marc-André Sélosse, who specialises in the links between fungi and plant roots, come and discover the secrets of the soil, so that you can better admire it and, above all, better care for it in the future.
This lecture is part of the Geneva Botanical Garden's "Conférences au vert" series.
On Thursdays from 6pm to 7.30pm, immerse yourself in the green atmosphere of the iconic Temperate Greenhouse, a picturesque setting for botanical lectures in total immersion! Renowned guests or in-house staff will share their knowledge with you and open up the debate.
Free to all, no registration required.