13 - 15 noviembre
Novembre 2024
Dimecres 13
11:30 - 19:00
Dijous 14
09:30 - 19:00
Divendres 15
09:30 - 15:00

Salle de conférence Albe-Fesard, Institut NeuroPSI

Campus CEA Saclay
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France

NeuralNet 2024 GDR 13th annual meeting

Meeting of the GDR NeuralNet
13 - 15 noviembre
CNRS Institut NeuroPSI

Decison making & Internal states, neuroscience of natural behavior, sensory processing, computational & cognitve neuroscience, astrocyes & neural netwroks

neuroscience, neuronal networks, cognition, computational, sleep, memory i astrocytes

About the location

Salle de conférence Albe-Fesard, Institut NeuroPSI
Campus CEA Saclay
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France