21 i 22 septiembrePassed
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 22
14:00 - 18:00

Hôtel de Clastre

25, rue Saint-Yves à l'Argent, 60300 Senlis
  • Oise
  • Hauts-de-France

Hôtel de Clastre

18th century mansion overlooking the garden. The 25 and 15 were part of a vast estate spread out on the streets Bellon, St-Yves and Bordeaux. The "Sauvegarde de Senlis" prop…
21 i 22 septiembrePassed
© Mairie de Senlis

18th century mansion overlooking the garden. The 25 and 15 were part of a vast estate spread over Bellon, St-Yves and Bordeaux streets. The "Sauvegarde de Senlis" invites you to discover it on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September on the occasion of the European Heritage Days.


About the location

Hôtel de Clastre
25, rue Saint-Yves à l'Argent, 60300 Senlis
  • Oise
  • Hauts-de-France
18th century mansion with garden view
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir

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