Jardin potager de Cal Mateu du musée Cerdagne
Avenue Cal Mateu, 66800 Sainte-Léocadie
- Pyrénées-Orientales
- Occitanie
Located in the heart of an 18th century building listed as a Historical Monument, the Musée de France since 1997, the Cerdagne Museum presents to the public an original and representative public vegetable garden of mountain gardens. Valuing local varieties, it is a witness in perpetual change of the gardens of the territory. Embellished with a sound trail made from oral surveys, it offers you a sensitive and technical look at these know-how of yesterday and today.
Open all year round.
J. Barret/Cerdagne Museum
Vegetable garden, orchard, Tourisme et handicap, Public garden, Musée de France i Monument historique
96 km from Perpignan (1h30) by N116, dir. Andorra, between Saillagouse and Bourg-Madame. 179 km from Toulouse (2h15) by N20; 163 km from Barcelona (2h) by the C16\. The museum of Cerdagne is opposite the town hall of Sainte Léocadie.
©Musée de Cerdane