1 i 2 junioPassed
Juny 2024
Dissabte 1
10:00 - 19:00
Diumenge 2
10:00 - 19:00

Les jardins du château de Kerambar'h

Château de Kerambar'h, 56690, Landaul
  • Morbihan
  • Bretagne

Free visit of the gardens of Kerambar'h Castle

Walking along the paths of the park lined with hundred-year-old oaks, you will discover the gardens of a castle (thirteenth to eighteenth) developed in an approach respectful of the living and the pri
1 i 2 junioPassed
©Kerambar'h - RDVJ

Walking along the paths of the park lined with hundred_-year-_old oaks, you will discover the gardens of a castle (thirteenth to eighteenth) developed in an approach respectful of the living and the principles of permaculture. The opportunity to stroll in the park in the shade of large trees, to discover the evolution of these gardens in transformation. Some works are in the process of renovation following the various storms and climatic conditions this year. As a bonus this year: - a barter space: Exchange what you do not use/ seeds, plants, tools, books, preserves. - a small sales area for plants selected and produced on site

Types of events
Free visit
2024 Theme
No selection
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
No input
Conditions for participation
Reduced fare
Type of audience
General public

About the location

Les jardins du château de Kerambar'h
Château de Kerambar'h, 56690, Landaul
  • Morbihan
  • Bretagne
Gardens drawn in the symmetry of the crosses of Saint-Georges and of saint André: the orchard and the kitchen garden, the liturgical garden to decorate with flowers the altar of the chapel, the capitulary aiming at l’ establishment d’ an ideal garden where mix curative and edible plants, the garden of courteous(friendly) pleasures.
Medieval garden, Private garden i Vegetable garden, orchard
Expressway A 82 there from Auray / Vannes(Gates,Cracks) taken(brought) out Landevant n ° 36-1 Expressway A 82 there from taken(brought) out Lorient Landevant n°37 Parking lot
Kerambar'h - D.Debien