Jardins de la Sayette
2 Lieu-dit La Sayette, 79340 Vasles, Deux-Sèvres, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Deux-Sèvres
- Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Created in the Renaissance around a fortified house of the fifteenth century, the park offers four distinct enclosures. The visitor will discover a courtyard-garden and its lawn shaded by remarkable trees, a classic garden, a garden of walk and discovery composed of a charming 13,000 m² and a vegetable garden-orchard with many roses with a large footbath collecting water from the roofs of the castle. Two sundials, created in the seventeenth century for the estate, are also presented.
Area: 3 ha
Monument historique, French garden, Medieval garden i Ouverture exceptionnelle
© DRAC Stéphanie Bérusseau.