discovery session and book signing at the rose garden
Five of our members publish books! Come and discover them and exchange with them:
Jean-Claude Caissard will dedicate his book "The perfume of roses" which deals with the history of perfume roses and rose perfumes from Antiquity to the present day.
Claudette Fau and Jean Rieu will dedicate their work "150 plants around Saint-Galmier and in the plain of Drill" which presents the wild plants that grow around us and, by a multi-criteria method, helps to identify the flowers.
Jean Rieu will dedicate his book "Images de senteurs" which presents a hundred associations between olfactory memories and visual memories. How many smells and perfumes evoke very precise memories that also appear in the form of images and make us travel through time and space.
Didier Infant will dedicate his books on the history of food and drink plants:
- "A history of wine" or how vines and wine arrived in France and ended up making civilization.
- "Crus et cuites. Histoire du buveur": since the 16th century, beverages in use (or abuse) in French society.
- "When psychotropic drugs advertise": one hundred and thirty years of promoting alcohol, tobacco and medicines.
- "Tobacco in its time": devil’s grass or panacea? In turn or simultaneously, from Jean Nicot to Claude Evin, tobacco smells like powder or induces euphoria.
Francis Lemercier will dedicate his book "Saint-Galmier from the seventeenth century to the present day" which presents the existence of farmers, weavers, passementiers, studiers..., the consequences of the revolution, the revolt of the "canuts", and some personalities of the commune.