1 i 2 junioPassed
Juny 2024
Dissabte 1
15:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 2
15:00 - 17:00

Arboretum de la Petite Loiterie

Le Sentier 37110 Monthodon
  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Trees and shrubs by all the senses at La Petite Loiterie...

Beyond the view, trees and shrubs offer attractions for all the senses!
1 i 2 junioPassed
©Arboretum de la Petite Loiterie

Beyond the view, trees and shrubs offer attractions for all the senses!

We can understand them by sight of course, taste too, but also by touch, smell and even hearing.
This guided tour allows you to visit the arboretum especially to those who are remarkable for their fingers, nose or ears. And of course will not be forgotten the tongue and eyes! Attention visit at 3pm precise

Types of events
Guided tour
2024 Theme
The five senses in the garden
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Conditions for participation
Usual fare
Type of audience
General public

About the location

Arboretum de la Petite Loiterie
Le Sentier 37110 Monthodon
  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Centre-Val de Loire
This park of botanical interest presents a very wide pallet of ligneous botanical species, that is trees and shrubs. For the pleasure of the observation and the knowledge, the arboretum was conceived(designed) so as to learn you to look otherwise(differently) at a tree and to recognize it.
The approach(initiative) of plantation is completely original, because trees and shrubs having resembling sheets(leaves) are grouped(included) in the same zones. It allows to differentiate better the often confused(merged) sorts(species), and, inside the same sort(species), to compare various variants.
This pleasant landscaped garden is the ideal site to get acquainted with all the techniques of interview(maintenance) and sustainable management, and in particular size, an experimental site of which it is.
More than 1900 sorts(species) and varieties of trees and shrubs planted since 1995\. The 18,5 hectares of the arboretum include 3,5 ha of meadows and wet zones, 4 ha of wood and 2,5 ha of moor. 2 km of rural hedges(hurdles) and woody bands(strips) are a hangout for the wildlife.
English garden, Contemporary garden, Botanical garden or arboretum i Private garden
By A10, in the direction of Tours(Ballots,Towers), taken out n°18 "Amboise-Château-Renault", to follow the direction(management) of Angers. To Château-Renault, leave N10 to set off to Angers ( D766); in 1,5 km, set to the right towards Boulay ( D954); in 4 km, cross Boulay, then continue towards Ferrière and The Path ( D54); in 3,5 km, cross The Path, then continue towards Ferrière ( D54); in 1 km, turn right (in a bend) on a small road which leads to The Girl Loiterie.
Annie Imbaud