Viernes 31 mayo, 10:00Passed
Herramientas de registro
 05 65 81 94 47 mdg@najac.fr
Maig 2024
Divendres 31
10:00 - 17:00

Maison du Gouverneur

1 rue du château 12270 Najac
  • Aveyron
  • Occitanie

Workshop for schools - All your senses awake!

Viernes 31 mayo, 10:00Passed
Herramientas de registro
 05 65 81 94 47 mdg@najac.fr

To discover, through sensory experiences, the surroundings of the Governor’s House in order to appropriate this space and express its feelings through different communication media. Through different workshops the children will be led to use sight, hearing, smell, touch to apprehend the space, to exchange with their comrades on their experiences, their emotions, their feelings and to build together a dialogue with this space mixing contemporary art and historical heritage, and their creativity.
Educational Objectives:
Identify: give a reasoned opinion on what represents or expresses a work of art and the elements surrounding it.
Analyze: by observation, touch or listening, identify the main technical and formal characteristics of the surroundings and the work presented
Finding your way in a museum, a place of art, a heritage site
Ask questions and ask questions
Present a clear and orderly point of view
Educate youth about culture, art and heritage in an inclusive way
Open up to the artist’s world by arguing individual choices, observing details, identifying constants of the artist’s plastic language
Expressing emotions in front of the works and its environment and listening to those of the group.
In practice
Proposal of several sensory workshops:
The view: through workshops of drawing, writing, memorization, children discover and express the colors, shapes, details of the elements that surround them. Hearing: blindfolded, children are led to focus on the sounds they hear around them (birds, winds, waters, etc.). They can also listen to the history of the place and what was happening there in the Middle Ages or an excerpt from the history of Gargantua, to transcribe the elements that marked them in writing, drawing or both. Touch: blindfolded, children are brought to focus on their sensations (the ground, the wind, textures, etc.). They are also led to draw by offsets imprints of the textures that surround them. Smell: smell the leaves and aromatic or medicinal plants of the garden.
Feel the spices present in the Middle age, try to recognize them, find them in the smells of everyday life. These workshops will not all be offered on a session, they adapt according to the level of the students, the dynamics of the group and the proposals of the students.

Types of events
Friday animation for scolarized youths
2024 Theme
The five senses in the garden
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No input
Conditions for participation
Free entrance
Type of audience
Children (0 – 15 years)

About the location

Maison du Gouverneur
1 rue du château 12270 Najac
  • Aveyron
  • Occitanie
Located in the heart of the medieval village of Najac, this medieval house of rich merchants of the 13th and 15th centuries, completely renovated between 2017 and 2019, now houses the Interpretation Center of Architecture and Heritage (CIAP) of the country of art and history of the Bastides du Rouergue and offers a breathtaking view of the royal fortress and the landscapes of Najac.
The permanent exhibition developing in this exceptional house aims to explain and highlight the heritage wealth of the territory.
The CIAP also offers temporary exhibitions, conferences and events outside the walls in all the municipalities of the Pays d'art et d'histoire (exploratory visits, meetings, site or workshop visits, etc.). It also welcomes throughout the year the school public during visits or heritage workshops.
Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Jardin de création récente i Jardin public
Accessible to people with reduced mobility. Direct access to the Governor’s House is not possible by car (narrow streets in the center of the village of Najac), parking spaces are available to visitors.
©Maison du Gouverneur - JC - 2022