Giardino di Palazzo La Marmora
Corso del Piazzo, 19
The garden of Palazzo La Marmora is now a large platform closed on three sides and open to the horizon with a nymphaeum terrace overlooking the city of Biella. On the left a large glass greenhouse decorated with a ficus repens, on the right, tall trees and the sixteenth-century tower. Starting from the nymphaeum terrace there is a series of seven symmetrical ramps that descend towards Biella and constitute the oldest part of the garden. This garden has taken its present form through changes and additions that have been made over time: his visit is therefore also a journey through the centuries.
Apertura straordinaria i Giardino storico paesaggistico
Parking Piazzo (Via Mentegazzi); funicular from Piazza Curiel