Parc du château de Villebon
Château de Villebon 28190 Villebon
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
Military building of square built fine plan XIVth counterpart the Hundred Years' War, on a French-English border, flanked(thrown) by six crenellated towers, surrounded with deep staves(moats) - always in water - and decorated with a drawbridge still activated every day, the castle gives the impression of a severe medieval fortress.
Park afforested in the hundred-year-old trees, "star" around Diana's statue (XVIIIth century). Man-made lake with a view of the castle, immediate areas the castle in sober embroidery of boxwoods and cut lindens. Old(Former) orangery the XIXth century, apple trees, pear trees in fruit-wall, cedar of Lebanon bicentenary. Formal garden drawn by Sully in XVII ° century, new arrangement(development) of beds in front of the castle.
French garden, English garden, Private garden i Monument historique
Located in 22 km in Chartres, 35 km of Nogent Rotrou, 8 km in the South of Courville on Eure and 12 km north of Illiers Combray