17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Setembre 2022
Dissabte 17
14:30 - 18:00
Diumenge 18
14:30 - 18:00

Parc du château de Villebon

Château de Villebon 28190 Villebon
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Free visit in the park and around the castle

Free tour
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
©jean de la Raudiere
Types of events
Free visit
2022 Theme
Gardens and climate change
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions for participation
Reduced fare

About the location

Parc du château de Villebon
Château de Villebon 28190 Villebon
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire
Military building of square built fine plan XIVth counterpart the Hundred Years' War, on a French-English border, flanked(thrown) by six crenellated towers, surrounded with deep staves(moats) - always in water - and decorated with a drawbridge still activated every day, the castle gives the impression of a severe medieval fortress.
Park afforested in the hundred-year-old trees, "star" around Diana's statue (XVIIIth century). Man-made lake with a view of the castle, immediate areas the castle in sober embroidery of boxwoods and cut lindens. Old(Former) orangery the XIXth century, apple trees, pear trees in fruit-wall, cedar of Lebanon bicentenary. Formal garden drawn by Sully in XVII ° century, new arrangement(development) of beds in front of the castle.
French garden, English garden, Private garden i Monument historique
Located in 22 km in Chartres, 35 km of Nogent Rotrou, 8 km in the South of Courville on Eure and 12 km north of Illiers Combray