21 i 22 septiembrePassed
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
10:30 - 20:00
Diumenge 22
10:30 - 18:00
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne

11-14 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

Programme of the Departmental Archives

JEP 2024 program
21 i 22 septiembrePassed
©Ministère de la Culture
  • «Des Archives à la passerelle des Soupirs»: guided walk in the Pont des Demoiselles district. Saturday and Sunday at 11:15 am (duration: 1h). All public - On registration the same day at the reception.
  • Workshop: «Discovery of Pastel». Saturday and Sunday, 1pm-6pm. All public - Free access.
  • Creative workshop: «Carnets de voyages». Make your notebook in Japanese binding, Saturday and Sunday, 14h/15h/16h/17h. All public (from 8 years). On registration the same day on site at the reception.
  • Exhibition: "Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections". Presentation of remarkable archives. All audiences - Free and continuous access. Flash visits to discover in 10 minutes a document of the exhibition. Saturday and Sunday: 14h15/15h15/16h15/17h15. All public - Free access.
  • Virtual animation: «Malta, in working order». Interactive map & immersive experience. Accompany the Knights of the Order of Malta in 1637 on their inspection visit to the Commandery of Montsaunès. Free and continuous access.
  • Playful path for young audiences: after having donned their Knights' robes, the children slip into the shoes of the inspectors of the Order of Malta and visit the commandery of Montsaunès with a booklet-games. Goal? Find the word code and get small gifts as a reward! Family - from 8 years. Free and continuous access/ Booklet and toga to remove at the reception.
    Archives for Little Ones:
  • Memory, puzzles and coloring: 3-7 years - Free access from 14h to 18h. Guided tours
    Archive visits:
  • Saturday from 14h. Sunday from 11h30 to 12h30 and from 14h. Departure every ½ hours (duration: 45mn)
    Tours of the restoration workshop:
  • Sat. and Sun. 13:30/15:30/17:00 (duration: 1h). All public. On registration the same day on site at reception.
    Friends of the Archives Conferences:
  • “Has the Canal du Midi structured a district of Toulouse?” with Nicolas Marqué, lecturer in History at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and Framespa, and Manon Clavel, author of a thesis on the plantations of the Canal du Midi. Saturday, 11:00-12:30.
  • «Saint-Lys Radio: history and legacy of the maritime radio centre» with Guy Malatray, president of the association «Amicale de Saint-Lys Radio». Sunday, 11h-12h30. On reservation from September 1st on our platform
    Concert - Saturday 21/09 at 18:30:
  • Duo «Araëlle» - Songs and music of the Celtic lands. In the garden of the Archives. Free access, subject to availability (cancellation in case of rain).
    Where? Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne, 11 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval – 31400 TOULOUSE.
    How to come? Free parking at 14, boulevard Griffoul-Dorval. Bus lines: 27 (stop Archives départementales) or L9 (stop Trois Fours). Vélôtoulouse station: station 98, 80 allées des Demoiselles. Metro line B: François Verdier station (20 minutes walk).

About the location

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne
11-14 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie
The Departmental Archives have the obligatory tasks of collection, classification, preservation and public access to administrative documents (bodies and public services) and notarial acts. They also receive private funding (families, companies, professionals). The Departmental Archives thus provide broad access to the rights, memory, history and heritage of the Haute-Garonne.
Taken(Brought) out Pont-des-demoiselles Parking. Drunk 10 (stop(ruling) Three Ovens), 27 (stop(ruling) Departmental archives). VélôToulouse: station(resort) 98, 80 paths of the Young ladies.
©Académie de Toulouse