18 i 19 octubre
Herramientas de registro
 06 75 32 16 64 palais@poitiers.fr
Octubre 2024
Divendres 18
12:30 - 13:30
Dissabte 19
17:00 - 18:00
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

Le Palais

10 place Lepetit, 86000 Poitiers
  • Vienne
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Guided tour of the exhibition: «the Palais, a building site in history»

The Palace has evolved and expanded over the centuries. Today, a new rehabilitation project aims to reveal and reinvent this iconic monument while recreating the link with the city…
18 i 19 octubre
Herramientas de registro
 06 75 32 16 64 palais@poitiers.fr
©Ville de Poitiers

The Palace has evolved and expanded over the centuries. Today, a new rehabilitation project aims to reveal and reinvent this iconic monument while recreating the link with the city. Come (re)discover the captivating history of the Palace’s construction sites with a mediator.

About the location

Le Palais
10 place Lepetit, 86000 Poitiers
  • Vienne
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Over the centuries, the Palace has been transformed and today allows the reading of the entire history of Poitiers, from the Gallo-Roman era to the 19th century. After having been the place of power - ducal and royal - then court house, it enters today a new era dedicated to the meeting between the inhabitants and inhabitants and to the valorization of cultural projects, citizens and scientists in connection with the actors of the territory. It is also a developing place whose rehabilitation offers a beautiful opportunity to imagine a new heart of city around the Palace, through new uses and new traffic habits.
Monument historique, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, GRANDS REPÈRES (architecture iconique et monumentale, sites labellisés Architecture Contemporaine Remarquable, bâtiment réalisé par un architecte lauréat d’un Grand Prix national de l’architecture) i Monument et architecture
©Ville de Poitiers