17 i 18 octubrePassed
Octubre 2024
Dijous 17
18:00 - 18:30
Divendres 18
18:00 - 18:30

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne

11 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

Architectural visit: «ARCHI'MODERNE» (Facebook live)

We invite you to visit our Facebook page for two decryption videos to learn all about the interior and exterior architecture of the Archives de la Haute-Garonne building.
17 i 18 octubrePassed

We invite you to visit our Facebook page for two videos of efin decryption to know everything about the interior and exterior architecture of the building of the Archives de la Haute-Garonne.
You may know its particular façade, all in geometry: the building of the Archives de la Haute-Garonne is like no other. We love him or hate him, often. This building, built between 1953 and 1955 on the plans of architects Pierre Viatgé and Fabien Castaing, in a style reminiscent of Le Corbusier, has been labeled «Heritage of the twentieth century» for a few years.
Discover the history and architecture of our building in two stages: first outdoors on Thursday, October 17; then indoors, in conservation stores on Friday, October 18. The opportunity for us to talk about the future expansion and renovation project that will be a new stage in the history of this building.
Animation: Nathalie Regagnon, deputy director in charge of the Fonds et Collections-AD31 service, Hélène Gay (conservation-AD31 pole) and the mediation teams of the Departmental Archives and CAUE31.

About the location

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne
11 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie
The Departmental Archives have the obligatory tasks of collection, classification, preservation and public access to administrative documents (bodies and public services) and notarial acts. They also receive private funding (families, companies, professionals). The Departmental Archives thus provide broad access to the rights, memory, history and heritage of the Haute-Garonne.
Architecture contemporaine remarquable, GRANDS REPÈRES (architecture iconique et monumentale, sites labellisés Architecture Contemporaine Remarquable, bâtiment réalisé par un architecte lauréat d’un Grand Prix national de l’architecture) i Archives
Free parking at 14, boulevard Griffoul-Dorval. Bus lines: 27 (stop Departmental Archives) or 10 (stop Trois Fours). Vélôtoulouse station: station 98, 80 allée des Demoiselles. Metro: François Verdier station (20mn walk).