Sábado 20 enero 2018, 19:00Passed
Gener 2018
Dissabte 20
19:00 - 22:30
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos
6 to 99 years old

Librairie Le Bruit des Vagues

17 rue Clovis Hugues 42000 Saint-Étienne
  • Loire
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Tell me a story!

Come listen to, tell, share your best readings, those who have you ému-e-s, made laugh, cry, dream...
Sábado 20 enero 2018, 19:00Passed

Meeting(Appointment) from 19 hours and until to you to think it!!!
A moment of user-friendliness(conviviality) and of discovery of texts around enthusiasts of all types of readings: poetry, science fiction, tale, literature everybody has its place!
Loads of words, a young something to nibble to share, and at night belongs to us!

reading, tale, division(sharing) i user-friendliness(conviviality)
Image Credits
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Type d'événement
No selection
No selection
Type de structure
No selection
No selection

About the location

Librairie Le Bruit des Vagues
17 rue Clovis Hugues 42000 Saint-Étienne
  • Loire
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes