At the border: welcoming refugees to Switzerland (1940-1945)
To mark the release of the podcast documentary series À la frontière, dedicated to the reception of refugees in Switzerland during and after the Second World War, the Bibliothèque de Genève and the Maison de l'Histoire-UNIGE are devoting a participatory listening session and a round-table discussion to a story that is still little-known: or how, from 1940 to 1945, a duality of behavior tore Switzerland apart between the firmnesś of the state, humanitarian tradition and solidarity-based resistance.
Marc Perrenoud (historien, ex-conseiller scientifique de la «Commission Bergier»)
Ruth Fivaz-Silbermann (historienne, autrice de l’ouvrage La fuite en Suisse: Les Juifs à la frontière franco-suisse durant les années de la «Solution finale»)
Sébastien Farré (directeur de la Maison de l’Histoire-UNIGE)
Taline Garibian (chercheuse - Maison de l’Histoire-UNIGE)
Moderated by:
David Brun-Lambert et Carole Harari (Chahut Média)
À la frontière: se réfugier en suisse (1940-1945), a Chahut Média podcast series available at