Domingo 22 septiembre, 14:30, 15:30Passed
Setembre 2024
Diumenge 22
14:30 - 15:00
15:30 - 16:00

Hotel Scrive Lille

3 rue du Lombard, 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Conferences - DRAC Hauts-de-France, Lille site

On its Lille site, the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Hauts-de-France offers 2 conferences of 30 min.
Domingo 22 septiembre, 14:30, 15:30Passed
DRAC Hauts-de-France

On its Lille site, the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Hauts-de-France offers 2 conferences of 30 min.

  • 14h30: Canal Seine Nord Europe conference by Vincent Gareneaux, Engineer at the Regional Archaeological Service
  • 15h30: conference network works on Lille by Nicolas Melard, General Curator of Heritage at the Regional Archaeological Service
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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

About the location

Hotel Scrive Lille
3 rue du Lombard, 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
Since its construction, this mansion has undergone many transformations. One of the wings, converted into a factory in the 1820s, then converted into a dwelling in 1898, still bears the traces of its industrial function. Since 1979, the Hotel Scrive has been the headquarters of the Hauts-de-France Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs.
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir i Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique
Metro: Gare Lille Flandres; Bus n°10, 14, 51, 56, 86, 88 and Citadine: Gare Lille Flandres; V'Lille n°24: Flandres Euralille
Région Hauts-de-France Inventaire Général

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