21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 22
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

Chapelle Foujita

33 rue du Champ de Mars, 51100 Reims
  • Marne
  • Grand Est

The chapel in his garden…

Free visit of the exterior and interior of the chapel: garden, ironwork, sculptures, frescoes, stained glass, with the possibility of freely drawing or colouring some of these elements…
21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
© Photo Corentin Le Goff

Free visit of the exterior and interior of the chapel: garden, ironworks, sculptures, frescoes, stained glass, with the possibility of freely drawing or coloring some of these elements. A selection of drawings will be posted on social networks. A playbook will also be offered, to start with the family in the garden.

About the location

Chapelle Foujita
33 rue du Champ de Mars, 51100 Reims
  • Marne
  • Grand Est
It was in 1964 that René Lalou, director of the champagne house Mumm, and godfather of Léonard-Tsuguharu Foujita, decided to accompany him in his wish to concretize his faith, by building a building dedicated to Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix. Indeed, the artist had felt a mystical illumination at the Basilica of Saint-Remi that had led him to baptism on October 14, 1959 in the Cathedral of Reims.
Started in 1965, this small chapel is entirely imagined by Foujita. In Reims, the artist designed a complete work of art in the wake of Matisse in Vence or Cocteau in Villefranche-sur-Mer. He draws the plans with the help of the architect Maurice Clauzier, draws the ironwork, the stained glass windows, the sculptures and paints 100 m² of frescoes inside. At the age of 80, Foujita devoted all his energy to it for three months. The chapel was blessed on October 1, 1966 and was solemnly handed over to the city of Reims on October 18, 1966.
In 2013 and 2014, the city of Reims received an exceptional donat
Monument historique, Édifice religieux i Maison, appartement, atelier de personnes célèbres
Access with motor handicap.
©MBA-Christian Devleeschauwer