21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
14:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 22
14:00 - 17:00

Abbaye Notre-Dame du Val d'Igny

Abbaye, 51170 Arcis-le-Ponsart
  • Marne
  • Grand Est

Discover the water networks of an abbey through a fun course

Follow the thread to discover the pond, the acqueduc, the mirror... until the maze with its quiz!
21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
Abbaye d'Igny

Follow the thread to discover the pond, the acqueduc, the mirror... until the maze with its quiz!

About the location

Abbaye Notre-Dame du Val d'Igny
Abbaye, 51170 Arcis-le-Ponsart
  • Marne
  • Grand Est
Founded in 1127 by monks from Clairvaux, the abbey was destroyed three times. Each time, it is rebuilt. Suppressed by the revolutionary power in 1790 - and its last expelled monks - the abbey revived in 1929 - and the divine office restored - with the arrival of Cistercian nuns from Laval. It is currently inhabited by nuns.
Édifice religieux, Espace naturel, parc, jardin i Musée, salle d'exposition
Nearest railway station: Fismes 15 km. Parking
©Abbaye d'Igny