Visit of the Seasons Zero transitional occupation project at the Clarisses monastery

In Roubaix, in the heart of the western districts, stands the monastery of the Poor Clares.
Large heritage building built in the nineteenth century remained too long unoccupied, it is today invested by the project Zero Seasons and gradually becomes a place of cohabitation, where everyday activities find a place: work, rest, party, food, games, etc.
The convent is vast and not isolated, with Saisons Zéro, we wonder how to live in this cold and fragile place on a daily basis.
We propose a visit of the project on Saturday 14 October from 15:30 to 16:30.
Two exhibitions, Terranaissantes Emotions of the Espace Croisé and Dear Stuff by resident artists of Zero Seasons, will be accessible from 2pm to 6pm.
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