21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
14:30 - 18:30
Diumenge 22
14:30 - 18:30


Montée de la Chapelle 69440 Saint Laurent d'Agny
  • Rhône
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Music break

The volunteers of the Lien des Saint Laurent open the doors of the chapel during the two afternoons of the JEP to be able to discover the riches of this small Romanesque chapel.
21 i 22 septiembre 2024Passed
Ensemble TOTUS

Volunteers of the Saint Lawrence Link open the doors of the chapel during the two afternoons of the JEP in order to discover the riches of this small Romanesque chapel.
Sunday, September 22, they invite you to a MUSICAL BREAK at 17h and 17h45.animated by the Ensemble Vocal TOTUS of Lyon.

Types d'événement
Thèmes 2024
Patrimoines des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions
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Conditions de participation
Sans réservation i Gratuit
Type de public
Tout public
pass Culture
No selection

About the location

Montée de la Chapelle 69440 Saint Laurent d'Agny
  • Rhône
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Located 480 m above sea level, the small Romanesque chapel that stands on a promontory at the foot of the Monts du Lyonnais was part of a hamlet successively called Dagniacus, Dagninus, then Dagnins. This chapel, built on an ancient Celtic place of worship as evidenced by the 'raised stones' to the west and the 'cupulae stones' to the south, was dedicated to Saint Vincent, patron saint of winegrowers, because the hill on which it stands was once covered with vineyards. Listed in the inventory of historical monuments on June 7, 1926, it is classified Historical Monument on August 17, 1945, then restored in 1956\. Since 1 June 1991, it has been part of the Romanesque church circuit.
Monument historique i Édifice religieux
Parking nearby