21 i 22 septiembre
Herramientas de registro
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
14:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 22
14:00 - 17:00

"Les Bourbon-Condé à Boissy"

Allée des Marronniers 95150 Taverny
  • Val-d'Oise
  • Île-de-France

Guided tours of the Domaine de Boissy (Taverny Val d'Oise)

Be at the rendezvous of the little local history and the great history of France by discovering the domain of Boissy!
21 i 22 septiembre
Herramientas de registro
Joël Périé de La Manine

As part of the European Heritage Days that will take place on September 21 and 22, 2024, Joël Périé de La Manine, Head of Historical Heritage of the Domaine de Boissy, opens to the public the doors of the Domaine de Boissy, classified Historical Monument in Taverny.
For this edition, a narrated, unprecedented and exceptional visit, «Les Bourbon-Condé à Boissy» will allow visitors to discover this authentic estate in the light of the great history of France.
Located in the Montmorency valley, the Domaine de Boissy was owned by the Bourbon-Condé, a powerful family from the Grand Condé, owner of the Château de Chantilly.
Many anecdotes will make live again Louise-Françoise of Bourbon, Duchess of Bourbon, legitimated daughter of Louis XIV and Mme de Montespan, the family of Montmorency, Louis V of Bourbon-Condé, husband of a Princess of Monaco.
Boissy was the princely residence of his Royal Highness Louis VI of Bourbon-Condé, Duke of Bourbon and last Prince of Condé who made it his favorite hunting relay with his terrible mistress, Sophie Dawes, Baroness of Feuchères.
Visitors will appreciate, during this visit in the heart of the History of France, this protected area that still keeps track of the passage of the Bourbon-Condé. Memories of the princely family of the Bourbon Condé will be exhibited on the course of this unprecedented visit. A participation (entrance fee) of € 2 per person is required at the entrance. All of this participation will be donated in full to the association val d'oisienne de Montigny Les Cormeilles «l'Ecole du Chat Libre du Paris» which helps stray cats in the Val d'Oise.
“For the sake of the cats I went to the poorest of them, those who live and reproduce in the streets, in the greatest destitution, without food, homeless, hunted down by all…” , is the story of this great association created by Liliane Krauskopff.
The association aims to trap stray cats and sterilize them. The cats are then offered for adoption or sponsorship.
The association will be present on the Boissy site during these Heritage Days.
It will hold a stand where visitors can purchase items. The association will also present in a salon of the castle an exhibition of paintings made by Isabelle Calvez, artist and volunteer of the association, highlighting the feline gent!
To know everything about L'école du chat libre du Parisis -> https://chatsduparisis.fr/
Also find all the news of the Heritage of Taverny on the Official Facebook Pages «If Boissy was told to me!» and "If Taverny had told me!"

Types d'événement
Visite commentée
Thèmes 2024
Patrimoines des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions
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Conditions de participation
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Type de public
Tout public
pass Culture
No selection

About the location

"Les Bourbon-Condé à Boissy"
Allée des Marronniers 95150 Taverny
  • Val-d'Oise
  • Île-de-France