MOPA crunches the Museon!
The first-year students of the Mopa Arles School (Motion Pictures in Arles) walked the corridors of the Museon Arlaten and the Cerco (the museum’s storage-workshops) to taste the collectio…
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
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Motor impairment
The first-year students of the Mopa Arles school (Motion Pictures in Arles) walked the corridors of the Museon Arlaten and the Cerco (the museum’s workshop-reserves), to crunch the collections and museography! Find their drawings during these exceptional days! MoPA offers training in 3D animation at the crossroads of art, cinema and technology.
The animated films directed by Mopa’s students are screened in more than 200 international festivals, up to the Oscars, where they receive prestigious awards. Awards that give students the opportunity to be invited to many countries and meet the greatest professionals.