16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Setembre 2023
Dissabte 16
08:00 - 20:00
Diumenge 17
08:00 - 20:00

Eglise Notre-Dame de Cunault

Place Victor Dialand, 49350 Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault
  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Pays de la Loire

Exterior view of the Logis du Prieur in Cunault

Facing the Notre-Dame church, Renaissance residence.
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed

Facing the church of Notre-Dame, Renaissance residence.

Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thèmes 2023
No selection
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Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Eglise Notre-Dame de Cunault
Place Victor Dialand, 49350 Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault
  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Pays de la Loire
Built by the Benedictine monks from the 11th century to the 13th century, it is a masterpiece of Romanesque art. It impresses with its dimensions, balance and sacredness. There are 223 remarkable capitals from the 12th century, a 16th century capital, a 13th century hunting. reliquary containing the remains of Saint Maxenceul a 11th century bell tower.
Édifice religieux i Monument historique