Discovery of the KDSK archives

The JEP 2023 have chosen for themes this year «Living Heritage and Sports Heritage», the opportunity for the KDSK to share the resources it highlights, to present its work around these themes.
On this occasion, the KDSK will present its work to digitize the documentary collection: collections of posters, photos and other communication media as well as its collection of works in the public domain, rare or often too fragile to be manipulated. Published between 1644 and 1941, these documents in Breton or bilingual Breton-French (catechism, grammars, dictionaries, language methods, theatre, studies, essays, etc.), are posted on the KDSK website and on Bretania. [, le portail des cultures de Bretagne]. They can be brought to everyone’s attention.
The KDSK is an associative structure that offers in its antenna of St-Herblain a documentary fund specialized on Brittany, the Breton language and the Celtic Country, the cultural heritage, under its most varied aspects: literary production, publishing, ethnology, history, economic and social life…. The literary production of Breton language today published, is systematically acquired. French-language Breton literature and the literature of other Celtic languages constitute an important part of the collection.
About 18,000 documents are made available to the public, and more than 400 titles of specialized journals on Brittany and the Celtic Countries are also archived.