Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 15:00, 16:30Passed
Setembre 2023
Diumenge 17
15:00 - 16:15
16:30 - 17:45
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Visual impairmentMotor impairment

Bateau Loire Odyssée Port Saint Maur 49250 La Ménitré

Port Saint Maur 49250 La Ménitré
  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Pays de la Loire

Cruise show "Blue gold" between Loire water and slates.

What better for the show «L'or Bleu», between Eau de Loire and Ardoises, than to have the Loire as a stage? ...
Domingo 17 septiembre 2023, 15:00, 16:30Passed
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Visual impairmentMotor impairment
@loireodyssee @ellebore @lechappeeanjouee

What better for the show «L'or Bleu», between Eau de Loire and Ardoises, than to have the Loire as a stage?
Embark on the boat of Loire Odyssée to follow this musical journey and told by Guillaume, accompanied by Denis and Annick (of the group Ellé-bore).
They will go back in time, in the 19th century, with stories of life of Loire sailors and slate collectors – perreyeux de Trélazé.
As if linked, the river and the mines were for men a field of work, of toil, of danger… but also a life punctuated with small pleasures, beautiful camaraderie, in this world that passes, that changes and that is quickly forgotten.
Let’s set the course together for a rich and playful discovery!
Spectacular cruise of 1h15.

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Thèmes 2023
Patrimoine vivant
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Conditions de participation
Tarif habituel i Sur inscription
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Bateau Loire Odyssée Port Saint Maur 49250 La Ménitré
Port Saint Maur 49250 La Ménitré
  • Maine-et-Loire
  • Pays de la Loire
Pontoon from the Loire Odyssée cruise
Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO i Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs
nearby railway station, on-site parking, toilet, wheelchair accessibility