Cruise show "Blue gold" between Loire water and slates.

What better for the show «L'or Bleu», between Eau de Loire and Ardoises, than to have the Loire as a stage?
Embark on the boat of Loire Odyssée to follow this musical journey and told by Guillaume, accompanied by Denis and Annick (of the group Ellé-bore).
They will go back in time, in the 19th century, with stories of life of Loire sailors and slate collectors – perreyeux de Trélazé.
As if linked, the river and the mines were for men a field of work, of toil, of danger… but also a life punctuated with small pleasures, beautiful camaraderie, in this world that passes, that changes and that is quickly forgotten.
Let’s set the course together for a rich and playful discovery!
Spectacular cruise of 1h15.