Discover the unique room of a historic site of the Pink City, and admire its Caravaggio and its Renaissance fireplace
Visit the Upper Room with its Renaissance fireplace of this perfectly restored hotel.
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
©Francis Vauban
Visit the Upper Room with its Renaissance fireplace of this perfectly restored hotel.
The fireplace dates from the year 1536, from the Renaissance period. It is decorated with the arms of the Barrassy family who lived in this place between 1534 and 1607.
«Le Souper à Emmaüs» or «la Cène à Emmaüs» is a painting of Caravaggio painted around 1601, baroque period, and preserved at the National Gallery in London.
This painting immortalizes the pilgrims of Emmaus, the pocket city of Jerusalem, who realize that they have before them the risen Christ.