Demonstrations of traditional skills between wool and wood

The workshop-boutique Tissage de laine et dentelle de bois is a place a little out of time, offering an immersion in two traditional skills, weaving and chantournage.
A decor with warm lights, living furniture and harmonious colors create a space dedicated to arts and crafts. The chosen territory, the historic heart of a city with architectural heritage surrounded by a green nature, allows the promotion of crafts. On a daily basis, the work is based on the practice of ancient gestures and traditional techniques, the sharing of knowledge and exchanges. It is these facets that perpetuate the know-how and make them alive.
On the weaving side, the principle has been known for a long time and has always remained the same: threads that intersect. Over time, looms have evolved to adapt to industrialized production. But whatever the tool, the technique, for millennia, consists in creating woven, colored and textured surfaces.
On the wood side, the creations are imagined or inspired by history and nature. The wood is cut and the shapes come to life: only the hands direct the saw blade, which carefully follows a design thought and created upstream. The material, increasingly openwork, becomes lace.
On both sides, there is research and experimentation around these skills. Craft, as ancestral as it is, is alive only if it is practiced and transmitted. So gestures are studied, creative possibilities are explored, and tools, often rare and technical, are manufactured and updated, so that this heritage crosses the ages.