Domaine départemental de Chamarande
38 rue du Commandant-Arnoux 91730 Chamarande
The Domaine de Chamarande is part of an exceptional environment, the forest of the Belvedere and the Valley of the Juine. It is in this rich natural context that a composite historical garden develops, created several centuries ago and regularly redesigned. The site identifies a built heritage and a landscape heritage with multiple facets. At each time corresponds an architectural layout echoing the layout of the garden. Factories and landscape scenes today give the domain all its singularity. Around these spaces, which are structured by the hand of man, a preserved fauna and flora develops in areas strongly marked by the presence of water. With its meadows, marsh and forest, the natural heritage of the estate offers varied landscapes, punctuated by remarkable trees, in which are incorporated the creations of today’s artists. Finally, the artistic and cultural centre reflects on the mutual influences maintained by heritage spaces (park, castle and factories) and current arts. Through t
Édifice scolaire et éducatif, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Jardin remarquable i Monument historique
RER C direction Saint-Martin-d'Étampes, station Chamarande RN 20 direction Étampes, exit Étréchy