16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Setembre 2023
Dissabte 16
14:30 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 17
14:30 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:00
4 to 99 years old

École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort

7 avenue du Général-de-Gaulle 94700 Maisons-Alfort
  • Val-de-Marne
  • Île-de-France

EnvA Botanical Garden Guided Tour

Discover this small green treasure in the heart of the campus and its medicinal plants.
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed

Guided tour of the botanical garden of the National Veterinary College of Alfort.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thèmes 2023
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Gratuit i Sur inscription
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort
7 avenue du Général-de-Gaulle 94700 Maisons-Alfort
  • Val-de-Marne
  • Île-de-France
The National Veterinary School of Alfort is a public and administrative higher education and research institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. It maintains strong links with the Université Paris-Est, Anses, INRA and INSERM. The school was established in 1766 in the small hamlet of Alfort, two leagues from Paris. During its two and a half centuries of existence, it developed over the 11 hectares that formed its original site and is now in the heart of the town of Maisons-Alfort (Val-de-Marne). New themes led him to set up, at a distance from his main site, in consultation with the host regions, two thematic centres devoted to large herbivores.
Musée de France, Jardin remarquable, Monument historique, Espace naturel, parc, jardin i Édifice scolaire et éducatif
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