In the footsteps of Exu. Projection-meeting around research on the dances of the candomblé of Bahia

The film D'Un monde, l'Autre directed by Maxime Fleuriot is based on the research conducted by Fanny Vignals in the state of Bahia between 2019 and 2020. This research focused on the dances of the orisha Exu, divinity of candomblé, religion of African matrix, and symbol-figure of crossings, chaos, sexuality… The study focuses on the transversal elements that feed dance: ritual, mythological, historico-social or political and identity spheres. The film attempts to account for the circulation of these dances in bodies and imaginations in Brazil and France.
Fanny Vignals, contemporary choreographer, teacher and musician, has been conducting independent research on Afro-Brazilian dances for 21 years. Her creations question the division between tradition and contemporaneity, the codes and spaces of representations, the relationship to spirituality, transmission, femininity and celebration.
Maxime Fleuriot is an artist and programmer in contemporary dance. Engaged since 2015 around a research on ritual dances in Brazil, he has signed several films.
The film D'un Monde, l'Autre (27 minutes, 2022) will be preceded by Danse l'Invisible (6 minutes, 2015). The projections will be followed by a moment of exchange.