Guided hike

The tourist office Rambouillet Territoires is associated with the town of Poigny la forêt and the association "Sauvons les Moulineaux" for these European Heritage Days by inviting you to a guided hike.
The guide of the tourist office, as well as an animator of the association Saint-Arnoult Randonnée guide you through the national forest in Poigny-la-Forêt, to discover its history.
The route ends at the Abbaye des Moulineaux where we invite you to participate in one of the guided tours offered by the association "Sauvons les Moulineaux".
Here are the activities offered on site:
Saturday, September 16
14h-18h: Guided tours every hour.
Musical time over the hours.
Exhibition “Retrospective” artistic.
14h-16h30: Art workshop by Georges Saulterre & Olga Haidraga - from 8 years old.
17h30: Charity auction of drawings made on site and works of art for the further restoration of the site, including the water lily.
18h: Inauguration in the presence of Sauvons les Moulineaux members and our donors.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
10h-18h: Guided tours every hour.
Artistic Retrospective Exhibition
Musical time over the hours