"Pour une pluie désordonnée", An Environnemental Concert by Lauren Tortil along the Canal Saint-Martin

External Performance of the Un Tuning Together Exhibition Practicing listening with Pauline Oliveros” (20.09 — 02.12.2023) at Bétonsalon - centre d'art et de recherche (Paris, 13th arrondissement)
The number of seats on board is limited, but passengers can also be reached from the docks.
Pour une pluie désordonnée is an environnemental concert by Lauren Tortil that takes place along the Saint-Martin Canal and mixes with the polyphonie of the city. Working towards a series of sound-sound devices – boat-wise, saxo-phone, voice-wise… Constructed from the shore by a combination of words and words echoing the sound of the canal, it is an invition to thwart our senses. On board the Arletty or from the bank, listen and be aware of what is happening under the overhead of the audi. Over the course of an afternoon, the experiment deploys a unique listening context to practice our attention to the urban environment. The performance of this concert is worse than an excerpt from Virginia Woolf’s Journal in which she describes the impacts of a shower on a basin. In the manner of an internal ritual, this trade thus sounds like a call to rain.
With the presentation of the Port de l’Arsenal et de la Halte de la Villette, Pierre Thévenin (saxo-phoniste), Claire Serres with Chorale Sirène Song, Aymeric de Tapol (compoteur), Jérémy Barrault (graphiste) and Simon Ripoll-Hurier (captation vidéo).
This event takes place as part of the Bétonsalon “Ears to the Sun” programme run by the Drac Île-de-France, during the Odyssey with Petit Bain and the 2023 European Heritage Days. It is co-produced with *Duuu Radio as part of the City of Paris 2023’s Artistes et Sportifs Associés distribution, and with Canauxrama. Lauren Tortil received support from ADAGP for Cape Town Assistance.