The Great Journey - Spaces of vi(d)es

Grand Voyage 2023
Spaces of vi(d)es
Theme of the 40th edition of the European Heritage Days: «living heritage».
Dates: September 16 and 17, 2023
Information and registration:
As part of the European Heritage Days from 15 to 17 September 2023, Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde and the Lycée before the Lycée are joining forces with the Métropole du Grand Paris, the CAUE des Hauts-de-Seine and the cities of Bagneux, Sceaux and Fontenay-aux-auxRoses to organize the third edition of the Grand Voyage.
This year, this urban hike through the heritages of the peripheries invites us to meet… Du vide.
Elucubration of architects or real urban issue?
The emptiness is constitutive of the cities: the squares, the parks, the streets are the emptiness that we live in daily.
They have sometimes been finely thought out and drawn over the years and urbanizations or on the contrary, they sometimes constitute residual spaces that nature and men have gradually reappropriated.
the purpose of this Grand Voyage is to reveal the diversity of these voids,
to highlight them,
sometimes reactivate them…
Throughout the course, discover how through the practice of circus, artists appropriate the city and its different spaces.
So it is a trip a little particular to which we invite you: between philosophy, architecture and circus, go to meet these fragile spaces that constitute these voids,
these gaps,
these proceedings…
Often abused by land pressure.