Château de la Moustière
La Moustière 36600 Vicq-sur-Nahon
The land of La Moustière was acquired in 1746 by Louis Joseph Edmond Lepestre of Neubourg. Related to the Marshal of Vauban, well in court, wealthy, he chooses to build there the current castle: small, pure and sober jewel of the end of the reign of Louis XV, whose work was completed in 1771\. The architect was Joseph Abel Couture the Elder, the first pupil of Monsieur Lecarpentier, the King’s architect. The facade roofs of the castle and its outbuildings as well as the buildings of the farm, in particular the «Fuye» (or large dovecote) of the seventeenth century are inscribed under the title of Historical Monuments. For two centuries, 10 generations of the same family have succeeded each other to preserve and maintain this home in the same spirit, despite the upheavals of history and difficulties of all kinds. At the cost of much love and privation, of many and incessant works (repair of all the roofs, change of the rotten windows, replacement of a good part of the cornice stones expl
Monument historique i Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir

Anne de Grimouard