Temporary exhibition Rendez-vous in Pays d'art et d'histoire
For more than 20 years, the Pays Loire Val d'Aubois joint union has been committed to the conservation and enhancement of its heritage, especially its industrial heritage. In 2010, the Ministry of Culture awarded the label «Pays d'art et d'histoire» to the community and a commitment agreement is signed with the State. After more than ten years of existence of the label, 2023 marks the year of application for renewal for the next ten years. The opportunity to highlight those who make live the heritage of the territory as well as all the actions undertaken during the last ten years within the framework of the label thanks to the collective energy of elected officials, site owners, professionals, teachers, associations and their volunteers. Far from remaining focused on the past, the exhibition will invite the visitor to question the question of memory and what constitutes heritage for the inhabitants of the territory.