Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 18:00Passed
Setembre 2023
Dissabte 16
18:00 - 19:30

Musée Josette Bournet

Le bourg, 03260 Saint-Félix, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Allier
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Days of the Matrimony - Creators in the interwar period

To conquer new spaces, creators in the interwar period...
Sábado 16 septiembre 2023, 18:00Passed
Odette Pauvert, La mère et l’enfant, huile sur toile marouflée, 1933, décor du vestibule de l’école primaire de la rue Jomard. Phot. Pignol, Claire © Claire Pignol COARC Roger-Viollet

Conquering new spaces, creators in the interwar period

Presentation of works created in the interwar period by artists from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Ateliers d'Art: Josette Bournet, Adelyne Neveux, Anna Quinquaud, Odette Pauvert, Madeleine Massonneau, Edmée Larnaudie, Marie Bader, Margaret Baer Austin, Myrthée Baillon de Wailly, Gabrielle Rolland...
These young designers did not limit themselves to salon painting, but put all their energy, fervour, inventiveness, inspiration at the service of large-scale works, monumental sculptures and murals, in churches and public places. They have thus largely contributed to the renewal and creative dynamism of the 1930s.
By Jean-Louis Cerisier, Marinette Delanné and Catherine Hellegouarch

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About the location

Musée Josette Bournet
Le bourg, 03260 Saint-Félix, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Allier
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The Josette Bournet museum presents, in a space of 100 m ², more than sixty works of painter Josette Bournet. Exhibition(Exposure) consists of 44 paintings(boards), among which several big(great) compositions, and of 23 ceramics of art. Josette Bournet is born in gingham(vichy water) in 1905 and died in 1962 in Nice. She was the pupil of Georges Desvallières and Maurice Denis in the twenties, to the Workshops(Studios) of sacred art, and exposed(explained) regularly to the lounges(shows) of Autumn, Independent and of the Tuileries. Its work includes numerous portraits, his(her) close friends and his(her) friends, among whom appears number of artists in his/her time. The museum exposes(explains) in particular those of André Salmon, of Mela Muter, of Pietro Nenni and of Athanase Apartis. Work also includes navies(marines) painted in the region from Nice and to Brittany, still lives and religious works.
Musée, salle d'exposition
Saint-Félix is 16 km from Vichy (northeast), 5 km from Saint-Germain-des-Fossés. The entrance to the museum is a hundred meters from the parking lot in front of the church.
© musée Josette Bournet