16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Setembre 2023
Dissabte 16
11:00 - 13:00
Diumenge 17
11:00 - 13:00

Institut Français de Civilisation Musulmane

146 boulevard Pinel, 69008 Lyon
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Arabic calligraphy workshop

**Learn the art of calligraphy through a fun and open workshop. First everyone will become familiar with the specific material, the postures and the basic movements, to...
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
©Institut Français de Civilisation Musulmane

Introduce yourself to the art of calligraphy through a playful workshop open to all. First everyone will become familiar with the specific material, the postures and the basic movements, to discover gradually the letters, the words, the sentences, which will lead to compose his own calligraphic work according to the rules of tradition.

Origin of Arabic calligraphy

The calligraphy of the arts of Islam is to be understood as a stylized thought. Writing becomes calligraphy, that is, an art, which in its meaning is thought of as such. Calligraphy instituted a second code, compared to language based on geometric and ornamental rules. It therefore implies in its outline, a theory of the language of writing, an art that plays with the forms of the letter to such an extent that the inscriptions sometimes misunderstand its meaning, it is then pseudo-epigraphy whose sole purpose is ornamental. This art is defined by its high quality of abstraction.
He invites, through concealment to show on intelligible figures, to lift the veil of appearances. From a word, from its root, a subtle archaeology multiplies of the figures forms of plants representations of animals or characters. According to Ghani ALANI, calligraphy is “a letter celebration of living expression”. A medium of expression, communication and figuration that continues to reinvent the culture of the Islamic arts.

Types d'événement
Atelier / Démonstration / Savoir-faire
Thèmes 2023
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Institut Français de Civilisation Musulmane
146 boulevard Pinel, 69008 Lyon
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Created in partnership with the Great Mosque of Lyon, the French Institute of Muslim Civilization (IFCM) hosts in its place an ambitious program: to make better known the cultures of Islam, to allow to understand the origins, the diversity and the contributions, in a meeting space open to all. The Muslim civilization is at the heart of this project, in a resolutely contemporary and intercultural approach: Art, literature, music, cinema, architecture, languages, gastronomy.
Architecture contemporaine remarquable i Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs
©Institut Français de Civilisation Musulmane