Guided tour of the oldest soap factory in Marseille

The real soap of Marseille is recognized by its history, its ancestral know-how and its recipe. It is this know-how, dating from Colbert’s 1688 edict, which is passed down from generation to generation by its master soap makers, that Fer à Cheval, the oldest and largest soap factory in Marseilles still in operation, will unveil to its visitors on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September, from 10am to 4pm. Young and old can discover the soap of Marseille, its manufacturing secrets and its many virtues during the visit of factories and workshops.
Free parking (80 seats) Small on-site dining - 04 91 10 30 80 To come: The soap factory is 15 minutes from the Old Port and the Gare Saint-Charles Bus 31 and 33 – stop Sainte Marthe La Bougie Autoroute A7 exit 35