Watercolor is a writing "of water and soul", a writing of the trace, of the evocation, and if we associate it with other writings: that of the words with the poetry of René Char, of the graphics with the calligraphy, and that in becoming of the young people of our schools, we move forward in a SENSITIVE WRITING, a relational support, a link, a universal bridge to overcome our tears… and become resilient. Thus, our role as contemporary artists, will lead us during this exhibition at the Cloître St Louis to develop this research through the gathering of the works of our best French watercolour artists, witnesses and actors of our news, in the great diversity of their writings. Moreover, the city of Avignon by the symbolism of its bridges, has led us to seek local links, bridges that we will create and develop with the actors of the past and present of Avignon: the work of the poet René Char, the children of the CM class with their teacher Maud Bertrand from the St Roch school in Avignon who will exhibit alongside us as well as the performance of an Avignon calligrapher. A schedule of meetings with the public will be established.