«If Le Fugeret was told to me» around legends, with archival readings and projections
«If Le Fugeret was told to me» around legends, with archival readings and projections
Domingo 18 septiembre 2022, 14:30Passed
Mathieu Simoulin - Verdon Pictures
"If Le Fugeret was told to me": Projection of legends around Saint Pierre and procession of Lake Lignin, produced by Jean-Louis Damon and Nathalie Lequet, Association for the Defense of Cultural Heritage of Annot
Meeting in the church
Information:Home of the Tourist Office of Annot Tel: + 33 (0)4 92 83 23 03 annot@verdontourisme.com
Association Le Fugeret "Memory and Heritage"
Tel: 06 81 96 17 28
Email: lefugeretmemoireetpatrimoine@gmail.com