"Elusive" by Joachim Ciocca
Within the framework of Heritage [in motion] organized by the CIAM, Joachim Ciocca will present his number on the unicycle, "Elusive" in the Abbey of Silvacane.
Domingo 18 septiembre 2022, 11:30, 15:30Passed
Herramientas de registro
Register / book: http://bit.ly/BilletterieCIAM 0465046142 contact@ciam-aix.comThis event includes accessibility accommodations
Intellectual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment
For this 8th edition of Patrimoine [en mouvement], the CIAM invites the public to discover "Insaisissable", the hypnotising number of Joachim Ciocca on the unicycle.
On his one-wheel bike, Joachim plays between balance and imbalance. He spins, twirls and lets himself be carried with lightness. A captivating dance that connects him to the unicycle, a moment of grace that transports you.
Halfway between contemporary dance and circus arts, Joachim interprets our relationships with others and the objects that surround us with finesse.