17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Setembre 2022
Dissabte 17
13:30 - 19:00
Diumenge 18
13:30 - 19:00

Place des Quinconces

Place des Quinconces, 33000 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Past Bus Travel

The style of the Bordeaux buses has changed, for the Heritage Days of old buses are heating their engines!
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed

The style of the Bordeaux buses has changed, for the Heritage Days of old buses are heating their engines!

From the Place des Quinconces, "vintage" buses will leave towards the Saint-Jean station and old buses will serve the stops of the Lianes 2 of the TBM network towards the Mérignac-Henri-Barbusse station.
A heritage bus will stay all weekend in front of the commercial agency TBM, trams/bus exchange hub of Quinconces in Bordeaux.

Types d'événement
Thème 2022
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Tarif habituel i Gratuit

About the location

Place des Quinconces
Place des Quinconces, 33000 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Created at the beginning of the 19th century on the site of the Château Trompette, it consists of an esplanade descending gently towards the Garonne framed to the north and south of tree plantations. The imposing monument to the Girondins and two rostral columns decorate both ends. Its area (12 hectares), which makes it the largest square in France and one of the largest in Europe, allows it to host events such as concerts and fairs, including the Fair of Pleasures (a fairground), the Autumn Fair (flea market) or the Cirque Arlette Gruss.
The Monument to the Girondins dates from the 19th and 20th centuries. It is surmounted by a bronze statue of Liberty and surrounded by a basin with remarkable equine statues.
Since the establishment of the tramway network, the square has become the most important connecting station of the Bordeaux public transport network.
Édifice commémoratif
©Grand Orient de France