Screening of the film "Alexander the Great, the other conqueror"
Documentary by Thierry BELLAÏCHE produced by France 3 Normandie and Skopia films. Reservation required at the Archives-Patrimoine Service.
Viernes 16 septiembre 2022, 20:30Passed
This documentary tells how Alexander the Great, a Fécampois wine merchant, became a genius industrialist by creating the famous Benedictine liqueur, popular all over the world since the end of the 19th century. The myth of its creation would take root in the Middle Ages. It is the story of an exceptional man, Alexandre Le Grand, of his city and his region, Fécamp and the country of Caux, of an era, the end of the 19th century in a France that is industrialising, and it is finally the story of a monument, the Benedictine Palace of Fécamp, no less exceptional than its visionary creator.