Entertainment for young people: castle for children
Designed for children under 6 years old, this exhibition/animation is to be discovered as a giant picture book. While walking through the different faces of a materialized castle, the child reads the imahes , says what he sees and tells.
Standing, sitting, on all fours or lying on your stomach, as many positions as possible for an invitation to go down in history.
The attack of the castle, a squire knighted by his lord, the tournament, the feast, the kitchens, the lord’s room and his family, the guard room, the cellar and the reserves, the dungeon, the poultry yard, the trumpets, the envoidu pigeon traveller .
Design and production: Association Mémoire et patrimoine. exhibition from 09/12 to 10/10 at the opening hours of the Library INFORMATION: bibliotheque@ville-ivry-la-bataille.fr